Fulbright Work
2008 - ongoing
As an active member of the national Fulbright community, I advise student applicants on a volunteer basis. From 2008 to 20016, this was as a member the Fulbright Committee at the Cranbrook Academy of Art. This faculty/staff committee worked closely with graduate student and alumni applicants to help them secure Fulbright Fellowships and to help the Academy maintain it's designation of a 'top producer' of Fulbright scholars - a significant achievement for a small specialized school. As a Fulbright alumna (Netherlands, 2004), I worked with the the Committee to help Academy graduates develop winning proposals for projects all over the world - including Anna Adler (Czech Republic), Sonja Dahl (Indonesia), Ryan Debolski (Oman), Carrie Fonder (India), Jacquelyn Gleisner (Finland), Jessica Harvey (Iceland), Andrew Ippoliti (China), Kelly O'Brien (Philippines), Jill Rowan (Syria), Juan Torres (Denmark), Quynh Vantu (United Kingdom), Robert Wetherington (Slovakia/Slovak Republic), Katie Zazenski (Poland), Elaine Ng (Taiwan).